Making windmills for the arts festival

Cheadle in Bloom group came to one of our first planning meetings and agreed to get involved. Trouble is, there isn't much in bloom in October. Once it was realised that during the period of the festival the planters in Cheadle would be empty, after the summer plants have been tidied away, but before the winter planting is in place, we all started to get creative.

Councillor Paul Keeling offered to run a session for children that combined being creative with learning about the environment. Bingo! A genius idea surfaced and volunteers started to work on putting it into action. Not only did Paul run a hugely fun and engaging session for the children at Bishop Rawle, he also used his charity fund to pay for the materials. 

So a huge thank you to Paul, Stephen, Bishop Rawle Primary Schools and everyone who got involved in this activity. The windmills are stored ready for the Cheadle in Bloom team to plant out during the Cheadle Arts Festival in October. 

Bishop Rawle make windmills , Bishop Rawle with their windmills , Windwill workshop at Bishop Rawle Primary School , Windwill workshop at Bishop Rawle Primary School